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News Published: 11 July 2024

Bangladesh: Latest EUAA report highlights the democratic backslide impacting specific profiles

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The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has just published a Country-of-Origin Information (COI) report on Bangladesh. It provides information on the political context and human rights situation in the country, as well as on the treatment of select profiles. It also gives an overview of the functioning of the justice and security sector. 

In January 2024, Sheikh Hasina and her party, the Awami League, won their fourth consecutive term in power, a result of an ongoing democratic backslide. With Bangladesh approaching an authoritarian one-party system, the government has demonstrated growing intolerance to dissent, with increased targeting of political opposition leaders, human rights defenders and media that is critical of the party. As a result of this trend, civic space is in the country is shrinking, with restrictive laws affecting civil society organisations, by limiting their operations and foreign funding. 

Profiles such as politicians, journalists, and activists have been targeted by state actors and political party supporters. There are also allegations of state law enforcement being used to undermine the opposition, as well as reports of enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and torture. 

Despite having an advanced regulatory and legislative framework, women and girls in Bangladesh face various barriers, including discriminatory legislation, domestic violence, or forced and child marriage. 

The country also continues to host Rohingyas who have fled from Myanmar, since the 1990s. Most arrived in 2017, following a violent campaign against the group carried out by the Myanmar military. In Bangladesh, Rohingyas are granted temporary stay on humanitarian grounds, and there have been reports of human rights abuses in the refugee camps, including deadly and sexual violence. 

Separately, the Agency has also just published an update on the healthcare landscape in Bangladesh. 

EU Asylum situation for Bangladeshi nationals 

Between January 2022 and April 2024, Bangladeshi nationals lodged around 90 000 asylum applications in EU+ countries. Since August 2022, the monthly levels have almost always exceeded 3 000 applicants. In March 2024, Bangladeshi applications in the EU+ reached a record high. Italy was the main destination country, receiving more than half of all Bangladeshi applications, followed at a distance by France, with over a quarter of the total.  

Between January 2022 and March 2024, Bangladeshi applicants were issued almost 50 000 decisions at first instance in EU+ countries. The decisions were largely negative, with the recognition rate for Bangladeshi asylum applicants at just over 4 %. By the end of April 2024, almost 48 000 Bangladeshi applications were pending at all instances. 



The EUAA regularly updates its Country of Origin Information reports, which aim to provide accurate and reliable up-to-date information on third countries to support EU+ national asylum and migration authorities involved in migration and international protection procedures. 

The report was prepared in accordance with the EUAA COI Report Methodology and was drafted by EUAA COI Sector’s researchers. The report was reviewed by several COI Units in EU+ countries. This information is a crucial component when assessing individual protection needs. 


Download the EUAA COI report - Bangladesh Country Focus