Analiza sądowa dotycząca kwalifikowania do objęcia ochroną międzynarodową (dyrektywa 2011/95/UE) - Wydanie drugie

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Directive 2011/95/EU

This judicial analysis is primarily intended for use by members of courts and tribunals of EU Member States whose work concerns hearing appeals or conducting reviews of decisions on applications for international protection. It is on qualification for international protection under the qualification directive (QD) (recast)1. As now updated, it incorporates the treatment of Article 15(c) QD (recast), which was originally the subject of a separate judicial analysis. It is intended to be of use both to those with little or no prior experience of adjudication in the field of international protection within the framework of the CEAS and to those who are experienced or specialist judges in the field. Therefore, it aims to be a useful point of reference for all members of courts and tribunals concerned with qualification for international protection.

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