Surveys of Arriving Migrants from Ukraine: Movements and Returns Report
Movements and Returns is a report from the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), with a valuable contribution from Gradus Research Company. The report highlights the prevailing themes emerging from forced displacement, related to movements to the EU, intra-EU, and returns.
Voices in Europe: Experiences, hopes, and aspirations of forcibly displaced persons from Ukraine
‘Voices in Europe’ is a joint report from the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), with a valuable contribution from Gradus Research Company.
Voices in Europe: Experiences, hopes, and aspirations of forcibly displaced persons from Ukraine - Executive Summary
Executive Summary
"Executive summary of the ‘Voices in Europe’ Report. This report is a joint publication from the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), with a valuable contribution from Gradus Research Company.
Surveys of Arriving Migrants from Ukraine: Thematic Factsheet - Issue 2, October 2023
Education and Employment
This thematic factsheet provides information from the updated SAM - UKR survey for displaced persons from Ukraine. It describes updated demographic profiles, as well as elements of the background and future perspectives related to both Education and Employment.
Surveys of Arriving Migrants from Ukraine - thematic fact sheet, June 2023
Life in the host country - registration and reception
This thematic factsheet provides information from the updated SAM - UKR survey on reception and registration for displaced persons from Ukraine, demographic profiles, employment status, access to accommodation, levels of satisfaction with key aspects of living in the host countries and most urgen
Challenges and opportunities in rapid situational awareness of Ukrainian displacement to the European Union: Some methodological insights
This Migration Research Series paper highlights four research projects employed by The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) that seek to understand displacement from Ukraine to the European Union.
An innovative framework for analysing asylum-related migration
Contribution to IOM publication "Harnessing data innovation for migration policy: a handbook for practitioners".