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2024. évi menekültügyi jelentés: Összefoglaló

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2023. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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Relazione sull’asilo 2024: Sintesi

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2023. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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Asylrapport 2024: Sammanfattning

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2023. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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Practical Guides and Tools Catalogue 2024 edition

in support of asylum processes and reception systems

This catalogue presents all of the practical guids and tools that the EUAA has developed to help increase the knowledge and technical skills of asylum practitioners working in the field of international protection.


Guidance on Contingency Planning and Preparedness in the Asylum Procedure

Operational standards and indicators

This guidance provides operational standards and indicators on contingency planning in the asylum procedure in order to help EU+ countries to build or review their national contingency plans based on the proposed standards


Guidance on Vulnerability in Asylum and Reception

Operational standards and indicators

These operational standards and indicators support Member States in the implementation of key provisions of the CEAS, addressing issues related to applicants in a situation of vulnerability in asylum and reception.


Guidance on Reception

Operational standards and indicators

The standards and indicators elaborated in this guidance support Member States in the implementation of reception-related aspects of the CEAS, complementing EASO’s 2016 guidance.


The Role and Competencies of Dublin Units

Who is Who in International Protection in the EU+, Issue No 8

The report presents an overview of the national authorities which are responsible for the Dublin procedure. It maps their place within the institutional framework and the activities for which they are responsible.
