
Poradnik praktyczny dotyczący kolejnych wniosków

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.


Guia prático sobre pedidos subsequentes

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.


Ghidul practic al EASO privind cererile ulterioare

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.


Paskesnių prašymų praktinės gairės

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.


Praktični vodnik urada EASO o ponovnih prošnjah

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.


Newsletter on Asylum Case Law, Issue No 4/2021

EASO Newsletter on Asylum Case Law, Issue No 4/2021

A compilation of cases related to asylum which were pronounced from September to November 2021.


Assessing the age of minor applicants for international protection

Assessing the age of minor applicants for international protection, Fact Sheet No EASO/IAS/2021/5

The fact sheet presents information on national practices for the age assessment of minors as extracted from the EASO Asylum Report 2021.

Developments in asylum procedures in EU+ countries in response to the situation in Afghanistan

Developments in asylum procedures in EU+ countries in response to the situation in Afghanistan, Situational Update, Issue No 7

Based on official, public sources, this bulletin presents an overview of changed policies and practices for asylum applicants from Afghanistan.