Assessing the age of asylum applicants
Fact Sheet No 17
The fact sheet presents information on minor applicants going through the asylum procedure, as extracted from the Asylum Report 2023.
Data on resettlement activities in 2022
Fact Sheet No 18
This fact sheet presents data from Eurostat on resettled refugees, complementing the section on resettlement and humanitarian admissions in the Asylum Report 2023.
Asylrapport 2023: Resumé
A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2022. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.
Έκθεση για το άσυλο 2023: Σύνοψη
A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2022. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.
تقرير اللجوء لعام 2023: ملخص تنفيذي
A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2022. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.
Zpráva o azylu 2023: Shrnutí
A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2022. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.
Доклад за убежището за 2023 г.: Резюме
A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2022. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.
Quarterly Overview of Asylum Case Law
Issue No 2/2023
A compilation of cases related to asylum which were pronounced from March-May 2023.