
Syria - Security Situation

This report examines the nature of armed conflicts taking place in the territory, the nature of the violence and presence of armed actors in different areas, and the impact on civilians, for example in terms of casualties/fatalities and conflict-linked displacement.


Syria - Country Focus

This report provides an update of Syria - Country Focus (October 2023). It describes the profiles who can potentially be targeted by the government and outlines the socioeconomical situation with special focus on the cities of Damascus, Latakia and Tartous.


COI Writing and Referencing Guide

This guide is the rebranded edition of the EASO Writing and Referencing Guide for EASO Country of Origin Information (COI) Reports 2019. The EUAA COI Writing and Referencing Guide is for COI researchers who (co-)draft EUAA COI reports.


COI Report Methodology

This guide is the rebranded edition of the EASO COI Report Methodology 2019.


COI Report – Afghanistan: Country Focus

This report provides a description of the general situation, of the security and economic situation and of the socio-political landscape of the country since the Taliban takeover.


COI Report – Iraq: key socio-economic indicators for Baghdad, Basrah and Sulaymaniyah

This report provides an analysis of the key socio-economic indicators (employment, food security, housing and living conditions, etc.) for Baghdad, Basrah and Sulaymaniyah.


COI Report – Pakistan: Security Situation

This report on the security situation provides details on conflict dynamics, territorial control/influence, and (armed) actors at general and regional level.