Nota de orientação sobre temas relacionados com a orientação antes da partida
This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.
Veiledningsnotat – Tema i informasjonen før avreise
This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.
Richtsnoer over thema’s m.b.t. vóór-vertrek-oriëntatie
This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.
Nota esplicativa sui temi di orientamento pre-partenza
This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.
Smjernica o temama informiranja prije odlaska
This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.
Note d’orientation sur les thèmes liés à l’orientation avant le départ
This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.
Opas lähtöä edeltävän perehdyttämisen aiheisiin
This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.
Nota orientativa sobre temas para las sesiones de orientación previa a la salida
This tool aims to provide resettlement officers and PDO trainers with an overview of topics that provide consistent and accurate information about life in the resettlement country.