
Hakemusta koskeva tietolomake

This form summarises information on a refugee’s personal background and enables the planning of adequate support for resettled refugees upon arrival.


Model pentru dosarul cu informații despre caz

This form summarises information on a refugee’s personal background and enables the planning of adequate support for resettled refugees upon arrival.


Modelo de processo informativo sobre o caso

This form summarises information on a refugee’s personal background and enables the planning of adequate support for resettled refugees upon arrival.


Mal for saksopplysningsmappe

This form summarises information on a refugee’s personal background and enables the planning of adequate support for resettled refugees upon arrival.


Template voor een informatiedossier

This form summarises information on a refugee’s personal background and enables the planning of adequate support for resettled refugees upon arrival.


Modello per un file di informazioni sul caso

This form summarises information on a refugee’s personal background and enables the planning of adequate support for resettled refugees upon arrival.


Predložak datoteke s podatcima o predmetu

This form summarises information on a refugee’s personal background and enables the planning of adequate support for resettled refugees upon arrival.


Modèle de fichier d’information sur les dossiers

This form summarises information on a refugee’s personal background and enables the planning of adequate support for resettled refugees upon arrival.
