Beochan EUAA ar Gharchabhair Shíceolaíoch (PFA) mar Uirlis Múscailte Feasachta
Treoracha do ghairmithe maidir leis an mbeochan a úsáid chun oideachas a thabhairt i dtaobh choincheap PFA
These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.
L’Animation de l’EUAA sur les premiers secours psychologiques (PSP) en tant qu’outil de sensibilisation
Instructions à l’intention des professionnels sur l’utilisation de l’animation pour former au concept de PSP
These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.
EUAA:n animaatioelokuva psykologisesta ensiavusta tietämyksen lisäämiseksi
Ohjeet ammattilaisille animaation käytöstä koulutukseen psykologisesta ensiavusta
These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.
EUAA psühholoogilise esmaabi animatsioon teadlikkuse suurendamise vahendina
Juhised spetsialistidele, kuidas kasutada animatsiooni psühholoogilise esmaabi kontseptsiooni tutvustamiseks.
These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.
Animación de la EUAA sobre los primeros auxilios psicológicos (PAP) como herramienta de sensibilización
Instrucciones para los profesionales sobre cómo utilizar la animación para educar sobre el concepto de los PAP
These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.
The EUAA Animation on Psychological First Aid as an Awareness Raising Tool
Instructions for professionals on how to use the animation to educate on the concept of PFA
These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.
Το βίντεο κινουμένων σχεδίων του EUAA για τις ψυχολογικές πρώτες βοήθειες ως εργαλείο ευαισθητοποίησης
Οδηγίες για επαγγελματίες σχετικά με τον τρόπο χρήσης του βίντεο κινουμένων σχεδίων για την εκπαίδευση σχετικά με την έννοια των ΨΠΒ
These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.
Das EUAA-Video über Psychische Erste Hilfe als Instrument zur Sensibilisierung
Hinweise für Fachkräfte zur Verwendung des Videos zur Aufklärung über das Konzept der Psychischen Ersten Hilfe (PEH)
These instructions support psychological first aid (PFA) providers in creating awareness on the concept of PFA in first line officers interested in the topic, new recruits and volunteers using the EUAA animation on PFA.