
Judicial analysis on Detention of applicants for international protection

Detention of applicants for international protection in the context of the Common European Asylum System

The objective of this judicial analysis is to act as a tool for judges hearing detention cases.


Teismams skirta analizė - Tarptautinės apsaugos prašytojų sulaikymas taikant bendrą Europos prieglobsčio sistemą

Detention of applicants for international protection in the context of the Common European Asylum System

The objective of this judicial analysis is to act as a tool for judges hearing detention cases.


Judicial analysis on Ending international protection

Articles 11, 14, 16 and 19 Qualification Directive (2011/95/EU)

The scope of this judicial analysis extends to the law on ending protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection, in the context of Articles 11, 14, 16 and 19 of the QD (recast).