Guida pratica dell’EASO sulle domande reiterate
The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.
Guide pratique sur les demandes ultérieures
The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.
Guía práctica sobre solicitudes posteriores
The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.
Practical Guide on Subsequent Applications
The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.
Πρακτικός οδηγός για τις μεταγενέστερες αιτήσεις
The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.
Poradnik praktyczny dotyczący kolejnych wniosków
The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.
EASO Udhëzues praktik për regjistrimin
Paraqitja e kërkesës për mbrojtje ndërkombëtare
Vëmendja e Udhëzuesit praktik të EASO-s për regjistrimin: Paraqitja e kërkesës për mbrojtje
ndërkombëtare është njëkohësisht te formulimi i kërkesës dhe te paraqitja së saj, me qëllim që të
jepet një panoramë gjithëpërfshirëse e praktikave të mira.
Praktični vodnik o registracij
Vložitev prošenj za mednarodno zaščito
This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.