Praktisk veileder til planlegging og gjennomføring av intervjuer for gjenbosetting
This practical guide is intended as a brief guidance and checklist to accompany resettlement case officers in the preparation and implementation of selection interviews.
Praktische gids voor het plannen en houden van hervestigingsinterviews
This practical guide is intended as a brief guidance and checklist to accompany resettlement case officers in the preparation and implementation of selection interviews.
Guida pratica per la pianificazione e la conduzione di colloqui di reinsediamento
This practical guide is intended as a brief guidance and checklist to accompany resettlement case officers in the preparation and implementation of selection interviews.
Praktični vodič za planiranje i vođenje intervjuâ za preseljenje
This practical guide is intended as a brief guidance and checklist to accompany resettlement case officers in the preparation and implementation of selection interviews.
Guide pratique pour la planification et la conduite des entretiens de réinstallation
This practical guide is intended as a brief guidance and checklist to accompany resettlement case officers in the preparation and implementation of selection interviews.
Käytännön opas uudelleensijoittamispuhuttelujen suunnitteluun ja toteuttamiseen
This practical guide is intended as a brief guidance and checklist to accompany resettlement case officers in the preparation and implementation of selection interviews.
Guía práctica para la planificación y realización de una entrevista para el reasentamiento
This practical guide is intended as a brief guidance and checklist to accompany resettlement case officers in the preparation and implementation of selection interviews.
Guide pratique pour la planification et la mise en œuvre des missions de sélection
This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.