Tájékoztatás a menekültügyi eljáráshoz való hozzáférésről
The brochure provides information on access to the asylum procedure and it is intended to support information provision in the context of the influx of refugees fleeing Ukraine
Información sobre el acceso al procedimiento de asilo
The brochure provides information on access to the asylum procedure and it is intended to support information provision in the context of the influx of refugees fleeing Ukraine
Information on access to the asylum procedure
The brochure provides information on access to the asylum procedure and it is intended to support information provision in the context of the influx of refugees fleeing Ukraine
Informationen über den Zugang zum Asylverfahren
The brochure provides information on access to the asylum procedure and it is intended to support information provision in the context of the influx of refugees fleeing Ukraine
Информация относно достъпа до процедурата по предоставяне на убежище
The brochure provides information on access to the asylum procedure and it is intended to support information provision in the context of the influx of refugees fleeing Ukraine
Informazioni sull'accesso alla procedura d'asilo
The brochure provides information on access to the asylum procedure and it is intended to support information provision in the context of the influx of refugees fleeing Ukraine
EASO. Poradnik praktycznydotyczący stosowaniaklauzul ustania
This practical guide aims to provide guidance to case officers when examining the application of cessation clauses and to policy officers as well when implementing national workflows in the context of the cessation process.