
Practical Guide on applicants with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics — Reception


It provides guidance and practical recommendations on the design and management of reception systems and the provision of reception conditions taking into account the specific needs of LGBTIQ applicants.


Jurisprudence on Material Reception Conditions in Asylum - Sanctions, Reductions and Withdrawals

Analysis of Case Law from 2019-2024

The report provides comparative information on how national administrations and courts of EU+ countries implement the provisions of the Reception Conditions Directive related to reducing or withdrawing material reception conditions.


Guidance on Vulnerability in Asylum and Reception

Operational standards and indicators

These operational standards and indicators support Member States in the implementation of key provisions of the CEAS, addressing issues related to applicants in a situation of vulnerability in asylum and reception.


Guidance on Reception

Operational standards and indicators

The standards and indicators elaborated in this guidance support Member States in the implementation of reception-related aspects of the CEAS, complementing EASO’s 2016 guidance.


EUAA Strategy on Vulnerability

The purpose of the EUAA Strategy on Vulnerability is to define the overarching framework within which the EUAA will develop its work related to vulnerability in supporting EU Member States and associated countries (EU+ countries).


Identifying and Supporting Victims of Human Trafficking in the Asylum Procedure, Situational Update No 17

The situational update presents developments at the national and EU levels related to protecting asylum applicants who are victims of human trafficking.


Use of Temporary Reception Structures during the Winter Season, Situational Update No 16

The situational update presents an overview of EU+ countries which use temporary shelters in reception, such as tents and containers. It further explores if these structures are ready for the winter season.


Modular Approach to Reception

EUAA practical tool on the design and management of modular reception centres

The publication aims to be a guide to relevant stakeholders (e.g., national, regional and local authorities, as well as civil society organisations) when designing and building new reception centres according to the agency’s standards and guidelines.
