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Guidance on Contingency Planning and Preparedness in the Asylum Procedure

Operational standards and indicators

This guidance provides operational standards and indicators on contingency planning in the asylum procedure in order to help EU+ countries to build or review their national contingency plans based on the proposed standards


Guidance on Vulnerability in Asylum and Reception

Operational standards and indicators

These operational standards and indicators support Member States in the implementation of key provisions of the CEAS, addressing issues related to applicants in a situation of vulnerability in asylum and reception.


Guidance on Reception

Operational standards and indicators

The standards and indicators elaborated in this guidance support Member States in the implementation of reception-related aspects of the CEAS, complementing EASO’s 2016 guidance.


Guidance on the Dublin procedure

operational standards and indicators

This guidance aims to help Member States with operationalising the existing legal provisions of the Dublin III Regulation and applying them in a harmonised way.

Guidance on asylum procedure

EASO Guidance on asylum procedure: operational standards and indicators

This guidance aims to support Member States in the practical implementation of key provisions of the Asylum Procedures Directive to achieve fair and effective asylum procedures and to strengthen the CEAS at an operational level.


Guidance on reception conditions: standards and indicators

EASO Guidance on reception conditions: operational standards and indicators

This guidance is intended to provide support to Member States in the implementation of the key provisions of the Reception Conditions Directive (2013/33/EU).

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