
Judicial analysis on Ending International Protection - update

The judicial analysis analysises the law on ending international protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection status as well as with procedural matters relating to ending international protection.


Richterliche Analyse: Beendigung des internationalen Schutzes Zweite Ausgabe

The judicial analysis analysises the law on ending international protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection status as well as with procedural matters relating to ending international protection.


Compilation of Jurisprudence on Ending international protection

This compilation of jurisprudence is intended to be an accompanying resource to the Judicial analysis and to provide courts and tribunals in Member States with a helpful aid when hearing appeals or conducting reviews of decisions on applications concerning ending international protection

Compilation of Jurisprudence on Exclusion - update

EASO Compilation of Jurisprudence on Exclusion - update

This compilation of jurisprudence is intended to be an accompanying resource to the judicial analysis and to provide courts and tribunals in Member States with a helpful aid to refer to when hearing appeals or conducting reviews of decisions on applications concerning exclusion.

Compilation of jurisprudence on Vulnerability

The purpose of this Compilation of Jurisprudence is to be an accompanying resource to the Judicial analysis and to provide courts and tribunals in Member States with a helpful aid when hearing appeals or conducting reviews of decisions on applications concerning vulnerability.

Judicial analysis on Vulnerability

in the context of applications for international protection

The analysis is intended primarily as a useful point of reference for members of courts and tribunals of EU+ countries concerned with hearing appeals or conducting reviews of decisions on applications for international protection involving vulnerable applicants.


La vulnerabilidad en el contexto de las solicitudes de protección internacional - Análisis judicial

La principal finalidad de este análisis es servir como referencia útil para los miembros de
los órganos jurisdiccionales de los países UE+ competentes para conocer de apelaciones
o examinar resoluciones sobre solicitudes de protección internacional que afecten a


Neaizsargātība starptautiskās aizsardzības pieteikumu kontekstā - Tiesiskā analīze

Analīze ir galvenokārt paredzēta kā noderīgs atsauces punkts ES+ valstu tiesu un tribunālu locekļiem, kuri izskata pārsūdzības vai izskata lēmumus par starptautiskās aizsardzības pieteikumiem no mazāk aizsargātām personām.
