
Voraussetzungen für die Zuerkennung internationalen Schutzes Richterliche Analyse - Zweite Ausgabe

Richtlinie 2011/95/EU

This judicial analysis is primarily intended for use by members of courts and tribunals of EU Member States whose work concerns hearing appeals or conducting reviews of decisions on applications for international protection.


Judicial analysis on Ending International Protection - update

The judicial analysis analysises the law on ending international protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection status as well as with procedural matters relating to ending international protection.


Compilation of Jurisprudence on Ending international protection

This compilation of jurisprudence is intended to be an accompanying resource to the Judicial analysis and to provide courts and tribunals in Member States with a helpful aid when hearing appeals or conducting reviews of decisions on applications concerning ending international protection

Richterliche Analyse: Beendigung des internationalen Schutzes Zweite Ausgabe

The judicial analysis analysises the law on ending international protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection status as well as with procedural matters relating to ending international protection.


Δικαστική ανάλυση: Τερματισμός διεθνούς προστασίας Δεύτερη έκδοση

The judicial analysis analysises the law on ending international protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection status as well as with procedural matters relating to ending international protection.


Análisis judicial: Finalización de la protección internacional Segunda edición

The judicial analysis analysises the law on ending international protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection status as well as with procedural matters relating to ending international protection.


Teisminė analizė: Tarptautinės apsaugos galiojimo nutraukimas Antras leidimas

The judicial analysis analysises the law on ending international protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection status as well as with procedural matters relating to ending international protection.


Analiza sądowa: Zakończenie ochrony międzynarodowej Wydanie drugie

The judicial analysis analysises the law on ending international protection in relation to refugee status and subsidiary protection status as well as with procedural matters relating to ending international protection.
