
Quality Assurance Tool

Examination of applications for international protection

This publication provides guidance on the methodology for the quality assessment of applications for international protection.


Interpretation in the Asylum Procedure – Essential Rules

This poster describes ten essential rules to keep in mind when interpreting in the asylum procedure.


Practical Guide on Interpretation in the Asylum Procedure

Primarily intended for interpreters in the asylum procedure, this guide informs interpreters on what to expect when performing their tasks, explains their role and key principles to uphold, and provides guidance on how to interpret in line with international standards.


Interpretation in the Asylum Procedure – Checklists

These four checklists help interpreters working in the asylum procedure to prepare for an assignment and to self-assess their own performance following an interpretation. A specific checklist is dedicated to remote interpretation.


External evaluation of the EUAA’s practical tools and guidance

This report provides an evaluation of the awareness, use and usefulness of 11 practical guides and tools (PGT) of the EUAA


Practical guides and tools brochure 2022 edition

in support of asylum processes and reception systems

This booklet details all of the practical guids and tools that the Agency develops to help increase the knowledge and technical skills of asylum practitioners working in the field of international protection.


Guía práctica sobre solicitudes posteriores

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.


Πρακτικός οδηγός για τις μεταγενέστερες αιτήσεις

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.
