
Interpretation in the Asylum Procedure – Essential Rules

This poster describes ten essential rules to keep in mind when interpreting in the asylum procedure.


Interpretation in the Asylum Procedure – Checklists

These four checklists help interpreters working in the asylum procedure to prepare for an assignment and to self-assess their own performance following an interpretation. A specific checklist is dedicated to remote interpretation.


Practical Guide on Interpretation in the Asylum Procedure

Primarily intended for interpreters in the asylum procedure, this guide informs interpreters on what to expect when performing their tasks, explains their role and key principles to uphold, and provides guidance on how to interpret in line with international standards.


Persons with Disabilities in Asylum and Reception Systems

A Comprehensive Overview

This report analyses the latest developments and systems currently in place to manage asylum applicants with disabilities. The information is based on publicly-available sources and submissions to two EUAA surveys.


Displaced Ukrainians with Disabilities Seeking Temporary Protection in Europe, Situational Update No 20

This situational update accompanies the analytical report on asylum applicants with disabilities and focuses on current practices and the latest developments related to displaced Ukrainians with disabilities.


LGBTIQ Applicants in Asylum Systems, Fact Sheet No 20

This fact sheet presents developments in 2022 related to LGBTIQ applicants in asylum systems in EU+ countries. The information is extracted from the Asylum Report 2023.


Safeguards for Asylum Applicants with Disabilities, Fact Sheet No 14

This fact sheet presents measures taken by national authorities to improve conditions for asylum applicants with disabilities.


Quarterly Overview of Asylum Case Law, Issue No 1/2022

Quarterly Overview of Asylum Case Law, Issue No 1/2022
