Meta-evaluation of horizontal recommendations of evaluations of operational plans conducted between 2019 and 2023
This report provides a meta-evaluation aggregating conclusions and recommendations from three horizontal reports and six internal evaluations and their follow-up action plans, as well as those elements of common interest to different Agency actors that went beyond the scope of the individual eval
Country Guidance: Methodology
This methodology encompasses the development, review and update of country guidance.
Syria - Security Situation
This report examines the nature of armed conflicts taking place in the territory, the nature of the violence and presence of armed actors in different areas, and the impact on civilians, for example in terms of casualties/fatalities and conflict-linked displacement.
Syria - Country Focus
This report provides an update of Syria - Country Focus (October 2023). It describes the profiles who can potentially be targeted by the government and outlines the socioeconomical situation with special focus on the cities of Damascus, Latakia and Tartous.
Roadmap for Cooperation between the EUAA and Albania (October 2024 – September 2027)
Strengthening the asylum and reception systems in line with the Common European Asylum System and EU standards
This is 2nd Roadmap for Cooperation between the EUAA and Albania. Main objective: strengthening the asylum and reception systems in line with the Common European Asylum System and EU standards.
Jurisprudence on the Application of the Temporary Protection Directive
Analysis of Case Law from 2022-2024
This report analyses court cases related to the implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive, in particular related to eligibility.
Asylum Authorities
Who is Who in International Protection in the EU+, Issue No 1
The first report in the series maps the role of national authorities who are responsible to different steps of asylum and reception systems. The report is accompanied by an interactive data visualisation.
Authorities Involved in Access to the Asylum Procedure
Who is Who in International Protection in the EU+, Issue No 3
The report maps the role of authorities which are involved in access to the asylum procedure, covering the making, lodging and registering of an application for international protection.