Asylum/Refugee-Related Questions

Q: I would like to join Resettlement / Humanitarian Admission. Can EUAA help?

The European Union Agency for Asylum is not directly involved in the identification of refugees for resettlement programmes as, indeed, our mandate is to support EU Member States with implementing their asylum and reception obligations as provided for under EU law. Member States remain solely responsible for taking “Refugee Status Determination” decisions.


Our advice would be to approach the nearest office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for assistance to receive the most appropriate information about resettlement and the humanitarian admission process. The UNHCR identifies people who are most at risk of serious harm in the country where they are registered and determines if a case qualifies for resettlement.

Q: I want to join my family in Member State "X" under the Dublin Regulation. Can the EUAA help me with family reunification?

The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) is not able to follow up on individual Dublin Family Reunification cases. This is a responsibility of the Member State in which you are located.

Depending on which Member State you are in at present, you can contact:


Q: I am a refugee/migrant currently in Cyprus and would like information about the status of my application.

While the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) is providing operational support to the Cypriot authorities, the Agency is not empowered to independently assist with, or assess, applications from individuals for international protection.

We would invite you get in touch with the Cypriot Ministry of Interior’s Asylum Service which examines and decides on applications for international protection in accordance with the provisions of the Refugee Law.

The contact details for asylum service are:

Asylum Service (Ministry of Interior)

70, Arch. Makariou Ave.,

Afemia House,

1077 Nicosia

? +357) 22308501 or ? +357 22308505 between: 08:00 – 14:00.

The EUAA cannot facilitate or intervene in the decisions taken by the Cypriot national authorities.

Q: I am a beneficiary of international protection in Greece and waiting for my identification document/passport/residence card.

You will need to approach the nearest regional Passport Office or consult the website of the Ministry for Migration and Asylum’s Travel Documents and Residence Permits services.

Q: I am a refugee/migrant currently in Greece and would like information about the status of my application.

While the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) is providing operational support to the Greek authorities, the Agency is not empowered to independently assist with, or assess, applications from individuals for international protection.

You can contact Greek Asylum Service with the following information:

  • Hotline with pre-recorded information (available in 10 languages): ? +30 210 69 88 660
  • Individual cases (Open between 14.00 – 15.00, work days): ? +30 210 69 88 538
  • E-mail:

Alternatively, you may wish to consult the Refugee Info website as they will be able to guide you with any other issues relating to health, clothing, rent, etc.

The EUAA cannot facilitate or intervene in the decisions taken by the Greek national authorities.

Q: My passport has been confiscated by the Italian authorities during disembarkation (in Pozzallo). How can I get it back?

As long as you are an applicant for international protection, your passport will remain in the custody of the competent Immigration Office. You may get your passport back upon conclusion of the international protection procedure (if you are not granted refugee status).

For any information on your passport, please refer your request to the competent Immigration Office (Ragusa is responsible for the asylum registration in Pozzallo, at the following address:

Q: I am a refugee/migrant currently in Italy and I have serious health issues/face danger. Can EUAA help me?

We advise you to call one of the below numbers as they will be able to guide you better:

  • ? 118 for urgent and emergency medical assistance.
  • ? 1522 for information on intra and extra-family violence prevention, access to support with specialised practitioners, social and medical services available on Italian territory. Their services are available 24/7, the number is free and telephone operators are multilingual.
  • Contact the Italian Red Cross by email or by ? +39 800 065510 (free).
  • Contact the Italian Ministry of Health by email, according to the health issue concerned.


Q: I am a refugee/migrant currently in Italy and need info about the asylum procedure.

While the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) is providing operational support to the Italian authorities, the Agency is not empowered to independently assist with, or assess, applications from individuals for international protection.

The Italian Territorial Commissions are responsible for registering and examining applications for international protection.

You can learn more by visiting the website of the Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration (in Italian) or contact the department by email. Your request will be directed to the responsible service depending on whether it concerns asylum, special and subsidiary protections or Dublin-related issues.

You may also find useful information via:

The EUAA cannot facilitate or intervene in the decisions taken by the Italian national authorities.


Q: I am being persecuted in my country, outside EU. My life is in danger. Can EUAA help me to arrive in the EU and obtain asylum?

We are sorry for the circumstances you must endure. Please note that the Agency’s mandate is to assist EU Member States with the implementation of the Common European Asylum System.

The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) is not empowered to independently assist with, or assess, applications from individuals for international protection in the EU. Such applications should be addressed to the national asylum authorities of EU Member States.

We would advise approaching the nearest UNHCR office to raise your protection needs and receive appropriate advice about resettlement possibilities or humanitarian admission processes.

Q: I am in Afghanistan and the Taliban are threatening me and my family

We are sorry for the circumstances you must endure. Unfortunately, the European Union Agency for Asylum is not the correct contact point.

We would invite you to reach out to the UNHCR office in Afghanistan as they will be able to guide you better.

You can also reach UNHCR through their Protection hotline on the following numbers

  • ? 0791990225, ? 0790691746 and ? 0704996168 (available on all working days) or;
  • Send an email to:

You may also direct questions or complaints to the inter-agency helpline – Awaaz:

  • Phone: 410 (toll-free, available every day),
  • Awaaz Website

Several countries have established Relocation Programmes including Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. These programmes are managed by the countries themselves; neither the EUAA nor the UNHCR can organise referrals.