
Q: I am a cultural mediator / interpreter / translator and would like to work for EUAA. What should I do?

Thank you for your interest!

Please note that the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) does not directly employ cultural mediators / interpreters / translators, but rather makes use of the services of external contractors.

If you are interested in supporting our operational work in this context, we would advise you to contact the contractors below:


Q: I would like to work as an NCP with EUAA. What should I do?

Thank you for your interest!

The European Union Agency for Asylum has over a decade of experience in providing Member States with expertise on asylum and reception matters. We could not do without the dedicated networks that we have built up with our national counterparts and their hard-working national contact points (NCPs).

If you are staff member of a competent authority, and are interested in working as a National Contact Point in any of these areas of expertise, we suggest you first speak to your line manager or human resource contact point for more information.

If, after doing so, you are left with unanswered questions, please send an email to

Q: How do I find an internship with EUAA?

Thank you for your interest!

The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) is pleased to be able to offer 5-month internships through the European Commission’s Blue-Book Traineeship Programme. You can find information about the programme itself, learn how to apply and how trainees are recruited on the European Commissions’ website.

The rules governing the traineeship programme can be found here. The traineeship is open to non-EU nationals.

Q: Does EUAA accept interims?

Thank you for your interest!

In order to respond to temporary needs, the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) may from time to time require interim staff who will be hired through external staffing agencies.

Further information can be found on the websites of:

 If, after browsing the website of these service providers, you have questions that remain unanswered, please send an email to

Please note that unless stated or specifically directed to do so, CVs and job applications sent by email will not be processed any further.

Q: I would like to work for EUAA what should I do?

Thank you for your interest!

You can learn more about working for the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) at our dedicated Careers Portal where you will information on current vacancies, the possibilities for external renumerated experts, interim positions and traineeships.

If, after browsing these sections, you have questions that remain unanswered, please send an email to

Please note that unless stated or specifically directed to do so, CVs and job applications sent by email will not be processed any further.