Training activities

Our goal is to build capacity and consolidate skills whether it is in the context of permanent support to Member States, in the context of operations or providing training support to third countries. 

training class


Training in the context of permanent support

We respond to the training and professional development needs of national authorities by offering permanent support to EU+ countries. 

Training Member State trainers

We use a train-the-trainer system as an effective and efficient way to deliver our training. This approach allows us to implement our mandate in terms of training through a multiplier effect. Participants who successfully achieve the learning outcomes of a specific module can then follow modules which cover training techniques and the assessment of learning and take thematic courses which address common challenges faced by learners in a particular module or a thematic area. They then have the knowledge and skills to deliver sessions as a trainer within their national context. 

By implementing a train-the-trainer (TtT) approach, the EUAA fosters high quality independence of Member State training programmes. 

Please consult the EUAA Training Plan above.

Supporting national sessions

EU+ and third countries can set-up and deliver national training sessions. These are usually organised autonomously by the national administrations and delivered by their national trainers. We open the national training sessions on our Learning Management System  and providing a helpdesk. We can also support by translating training material into national languages and provide trainers when needed.


Trainer certification for qualified asylum and reception officials

The European Union Agency for Asylum is expanding its specialised training offer to give existing trainers the opportunity to become certified and able to deliver certified training sessions to asylum and reception officials across Europe.