The EUAA is committed to supporting EU and associated countries in their efforts in identifying, assessing, and responding to the special needs of applicants for international protection who are in a situation of vulnerability. The EUAA encourages practical cooperation and information sharing among EU and associated countries and other relevant experts on issues relating to persons with special needs. Practical cooperation activities are undertaken to foster convergence in line with EU standards related to the identification and support afforded to vulnerable persons in the asylum and reception systems of the Member States. Operational standards, indicators, guidance, best practices, and practical support tools, including in the context of operational support, are developed to assist Member States in dealing with vulnerable persons.
Vision on vulnerability
The EU asylum acquis applies a category approach when referring to vulnerability. It provides some examples in a non-exhaustive list of categories of applicants for international protection who fall into a category of vulnerable persons and might have special needs.
Identification, assessment, and referral to adequate support of vulnerable applicants is an obligation for Member States. The EU asylum acquis leaves it to the discretion of each Member State to decide the methodology for identifying and assessing the needs of applicants for international protection. Nevertheless, the Agency develops tools based on good practices to support Member States in these tasks.
Identification, assessment, and adequate support are the three pillars of vulnerability case management.

EUAA's network approach - Vulnerability Experts Network

The EUAA Vulnerability Experts Network (VEN) was launched in 2018 in order to enhance the identification and response to the special needs of vulnerable persons who apply for or are in need of international protection. The network aims to foster convergence in line with EU standards related to the identification, assessment and support afforded to vulnerable persons in national asylum and reception systems.
The structure of the VEN is based on the specific role of its groups and their multidisciplinary contribution to the network. The steering group is composed by representatives of Member State authorities, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, EU Commission, Fundamental Rights Agency. The advisory group is composed of representatives of civil society organisations, international organisations, and academia.
In order to reach its objectives, the VEN facilitates active cooperation among EU and associated countries that involves:
- discussion and sharing of practical experience and challenges related to vulnerable persons.
- exchange of information and good practices.
- collection and analysis of information and data on vulnerable persons from internal and external sources.
Practical guides and tools
- Guidance on Mental Health and Well-being of Applicants for International Protection:
- EUAA Strategy on Vulnerability [EN]
- Practical Tool for Guardians: The asylum procedure [EN]
- Practical Tool for Guardians: Introduction to international protection [EN]
- Practical Tool for Guardians: Temporary protection for unaccompanied children fleeing Ukraine [EN]
- Age assessment booklet for children: All you need to know about age assessment [EN]
- Consultation with Applicants for International Protection on Mental Health [EN]
- Poster of 8 EASO Standards for the welfare of asylum and reception staff [EN]
- Practical Guide on the Welfare of Asylum and Reception Staff:
- Mental Health of Applicants for International Protection in Europe: Initial mapping report [EN]
- Age assessment practices in EU+ countries: updated findings [EN]
- Report on Asylum Procedures for Children [EN]
- Practical Guide on the Best Interests of the Child in Asylum Procedures [EN]
- Practical Guide on Age Assessment [EN]
- Practical Guide on Family Tracing [EN]
- Age Assessment Practice in Europe [EN]
Vulnerability toolkit
- Tool for Identification of Persons with Special Needs (IPSN) [EN]
- Special needs and vulnerability assessment tool (SNVA) [EN]
- Referral toolkit – under development
A set of self-help tools for parents, children and peer support
- How can I support my child during difficult times?
- How can I deal with situations in which my parents seem sad, worried, or angry?
- How to handle situations when my friend or sibling is sad, angry or does dangerous things?
This set of self-help tools is complemented by instructions to support their rollout.
Watch our animations
- Video animation: Prevention of Substance Use
- Welfare of Asylum and Reception Staff: The importance of early identification of signs of stress
- Identification of Persons with Special Needs (IPSN)
- Age Assessment (available in 27 languages)
- Registration and Identification of Vulnerable Asylum Seekers (available in 2 languages)
- Age Assessment for Children (available in 10 languages)
- Psychological First Aid (PFA) – A brief guide for those working in the first line
Support to operations

The EUAA provides ongoing technical support in the area of vulnerability to the EUAA operations in the Member States. In particular EUAA provides support in ensuring identification, assessment and referral workflows through the development of standard operating procedures and tools on vulnerability related issues.
Ongoing support in the area of vulnerability is provided to countries of the external dimension.