Practical guide on the best interests of the child
EASO Practical guide on the best interests of the child in asylum procedures
This practical guide is intended to support competent Member State authorities in applying the principle of the best interests of the child and enhancing the guarantees within asylum procedures for children.
Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2017
EASO Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2017
COI Report: Mali - Country focus (December 2018)
This report provides a description of the State and of the socio-political landscape of the country.
Guidance on reception conditions for unaccompanied children
operational standards and indicators
This guidance aims to support EU+ countries in the implementation of key provisions of the Reception Conditions Directive while ensuring an adequate standard of living for unaccompanied children that takes into account their special reception needs.
Single Programming Document 2019-2021, WP 2019 - rev. 1 (27 November 2018) - Annex
EASO Single Programming Document: Multi-annual Programming 2019-2021, Work Programme 2019, Revision 1 - ANNEX
Single Programming Document 2019-2021, WP 2019 - rev. 1 (27 November 2018)
EASO Single Programming Document: Multi-annual Programming 2019-2021, Work Programme 2019, Revision 1 - MAIN TEXT
Single Programming Document 2018-2020 - amendment 2 (16 November 2018) - Annex
EASO Single Programming Document: Multi-annual Programming 2018-2020, Work Programme 2018, Amendment 2 - ANNEX
Single Programming Document 2018-2020 - amendment 2 (16 November 2018)
EASO Single Programming Document: Multi-annual Programming 2018-2020, Work Programme 2018, Amendment 2 - MAIN TEXT