Liigu edasi põhisisu juurde


Provision of Healthcare in Ghana Medical Country of Origin Information Report

General report on healthcare system and health insurance


External evaluation of the EUAA’s practical tools and guidance

This report provides an evaluation of the awareness, use and usefulness of 11 practical guides and tools (PGT) of the EUAA


Feasibility and design for the preparation of a randomised control trial-based evaluation

Remote versus face-to-face asylum personal interviews

This feasibility and design study examines if it would be possible to implement a randomised control trial (RCT) based evaluation to compare remote and face-to-face personal interviews in the asylum process.


Извештај за азил 2023 година: Извршно резиме

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2022. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.


2023. évi menekültügyi jelentés: Vezetői összefoglaló

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2022. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.


2023 m. prieglobsčio ataskaita: Santrauka

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2022. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.


2023. gada ziņojums par situāciju patvēruma jomā: Kopsavilkums

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2022. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.


Izvješće o azilu 2023.: Informativni sažetak

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2022. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.
