Overall training activities
EUAA's main training activities covered capacity building in the context of permanent support and operational support provided to Member States. We also delivered training in the context of international cooperation under roadmaps and other cooperation agreements, ad-hoc training, and staff training.
Where we delivered training
Permanent Support

In 2023, training delivered in the context of permanent support saw a 44% increase in the level of participation in EUAA training compared to the previous year. This shows the importance that EU+ countries are placing on capacity building and convergence of practice. The training delivered to asylum officials focused on best practice in processing asylum claims and interviewing applicants, especially vulnerable persons. Vulnerability was also a key area of training for persons involved in providing standardised reception conditions for asylum seekers.
Asylum and reception officials trained
Participations in training activities in the context of permanent support
44% increase
in participation rates compared to previous year
National training sessions
EUAA training was used to complement national training programmes. The Agency supported EU+ countries to set up and deliver national training sessions using curriculum modules. National sessions are organised autonomously by the national administrations and delivered by their national trainers who have been trained through the EUAA train-the-trainer methodology. When needed, the EUAA also provided trainers to support the delivery of national sessions.
Training for trainers

We use a train-the-trainer system as an effective and efficient way to deliver our training. This approach allows us to implement our mandate in terms of training through a multiplier effect. Member State asylum and reception officials with expertise in a particular area were able to follow modules which cover training techniques and the assessment of learning. Once Member State trainers demonstrate that they have the relevant knowledge and skills, they can deliver European Asylum Curriculum modules . This approach fosters high quality independence of Member State training programmes. National trainers were also invited to take part in workshops and a trainers' conference to build on their training skills.
Operational Support

The European Asylum Curriculum constituted the basis for the operational training with tailor-made training developed to address specific national training needs. On-the-job coaching and other professional development activities were also available.
There was a +5% increase in training delivered as part of operating plans signed with countries who are facing a high level of pressure on their asylum systems. Nearly 4500 learners benefitted from EUAA organised training sessions ranging from foundation and induction courses for newly recruited staff and more specialised modules to consolidate existing knowledge and skills of experts providing operational support. In 2023, half of EU+ countries had signed operating plans with the agency.
Operational staff trained
Participations in operational training
Increase in participations compared to previous year
Training asylum support teams
In line with its mandate , the EUAA provided training to experts who participated in asylum support teams, both before their participation in operational activities, as well as upon and during their deployment, as necessary. Experts followed training that introduced them to the Agency and its mandate, as well as to key elements relevant to their work in an EUAA Operation. Also, training was provided upon deployment, to familiarise the experts with their concrete roles and tasks in a particular Operation. Depending on the profiles and level of expertise of members in asylum support teams, EUAA may also provide them with further thematic training, based on Modules of the European Asylum Curriculum, with an aim to ensure that they perform their tasks effectively whilst providing operational and technical assistance in Member States.
International cooperation
In addition, training was delivered in countries collaborating with the EUAA under as part of the external cooperation strategy .
Other training
The EUAA delivered training outside the frameworks detailed above. This included training for its own staff, ad hoc training and training delivered in collaboration with other organisations.