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EUAA Annual training report 2023 - Trends in training delivery

Modules launched in 2023

In 2023, the EUAA launched seven new or upgraded modules. The new transversal modules are relevant for all persons working in the field of asylum and reception. The vulnerability modules expand the offer of modules in this thematic area. Introduction to Reception enables newly recruited staff to understand the reception context and Reception of vulnerable persons applies the knowledge in the context of ensuring that the specific reception needs of vulnerable persons are met in line with European standards.

Transversal modules

  • Professional wellbeing
  • Working with an interpreter
  • Applicants with diverse SOGIESC
  • Victims of gender based violence
  • Children in the asylum process

Reception modules

  • Introduction to reception
  • Reception for vulnerable persons: needs assessment and design of interventions - Block B

Spotlight on the development of 'Applicants with diverse SOGIESC' module

Trainer explaining to learners

"As a content expert, I was honoured to contribute to the development of the new SOGIESC training module. This project held particular value for me because it deepened my own understanding of SOGIESC issues, and the challenges faced by this community. Developing the module allowed me to combine my passion for human rights and training with my expertise in asylum. This module equips asylum and reception officials with the crucial skills they need to effectively handle claims based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics. The training goes beyond definitions. It fosters a deeper understanding of SOGIESC issues and equips officials with the soft skills necessary for respectful and inclusive communication, allowing them to approach sensitive topics openly and in an unbiased manner.

The module trains officials to create safe and respectful environments where they can identify specific needs of SOGIESC applicants and apply necessary safeguards. By building rapport and trust, officials can empower applicants to effectively substantiate their claims."

Eirini Marinou
Content expert and trainer
Greek Asylum Service



Trends in delivery

The EUAA has been delivering training since 2012. You can explore the trends in delivery by using the dropdown menu to see which countries delivered training in specific modules and pausing the timeline to see trends in delivery for a specific year.


Explore by content area

The modules have been categorised by target group and thematic area (some modules may be relevant for more than one area)Our training is vocational and developed to support asylum and reception officials to do their job more effectively. For each group of modules you can also learn more about the roles and responsibilities of officials working it the sector and examples of training which would be relevant for them.

Transversal modules provide cross-cutting knowledge and skills which can be applied across both the areas of asylum and reception. Foundation and introductory modules provide essential information for newly recruited staff or professionals from other areas of expertise who need to gain an overview of the sector.  



Asylum-specific modules include modules for first contact officers who may be involved in providing access to the asylum procedure and registering asylum applications. Modules for asylum officials include core modules for case workers which provide a structured method for interviewing applicants, assessing their claims and deciding on whether they fit the criteria for international protection. There are also a wide range of modules dealing with areas of specialisation.





Modules for reception officials cover the whole reception process. They provide knowledge on the legal framework covering reception conditions, especially concerning the needs of vulnerable applicants. They also cover the practical skills needed when working in the context of reception,



Training on vulnerability helps ensure that vulnerable persons are identified and their needs met throughout the asylum process. The transversal vulnerability modules are relevant for any person working in the field of international protection or persons from other sectors who may come into contact with vulnerable persons at any stage of the asylum process. Other modules are specific to persons working in the context of asylum and/or reception.


Modules for trainers enable Member States to train their own trainers. National asylum and reception authorities can then construct training paths to suit the needs of their asylum and reception officials. Member State officials who wish to become trainers and deliver national training sessions can gain the necessary knowledge and skills by following the modules which make up the trainer's path. If they then decide to become a trainer for trainers, they should follow specific training related to the area in which they will train. Currently, this training is available for persons who wish to become trainers for trainers in the asylum core modules.

Trainers for learners:

Trainers for trainers


How our vocational training is linked to job tasks