The EUAA has a centre of expertise dedicated to training and professional development.
Our role
EUAA training supports the practical implementation of the Common European Asylum System through harmonisation of practices and the enhancement of quality standards. This helps ensure that asylum and reception officials throughout Europe have the skills needed to ensure fast and fair procedures in line with EU standards.
In addition to providing training in the context of permanent support, we provide specialist training which prepares newly recruited staff as well as experts to participate in operational activities organised by the Agency. We also provide training to third countries in view of achieving a common understanding of EU standards in the field of international protection.
Our Curriculum
The European Asylum Curriculum (EAC) has a comprehensive range of modules covering the entire area of international protection. The curriculum includes:
- Core modules covering the essential knowledge required by asylum officials.
- A range of modules for reception officials.
- Foundation and introductory modules aimed at persons starting to work in the area of international protection or persons from other sectors who deal with asylum matters on a regular basis, such as registration officers.
- Advanced and specialised modules enable experienced officials to consolidate skills or specialise in a particular competence area such as vulnerability.
- Courses for trainers.
For a detailed description of all the modules currently available, please consult our Training Catalogue.
Our learners
Our main target learners are asylum and reception officials. Having knowledgeable and skilled officials helps ensure that Member States are well prepared to respond rapidly and efficiently to situations of sudden increases in the number of applications for international protection, whilst remaining compliant with the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).
Whenever possible, we broaden the scope of these activities to include other actors. These include persons working in relevant national authorities, EU agencies, and third countries who require training in the competence areas covered by our curriculum. For further information, please consult the Rules of Participation in EUAA Training.
Our strategy
We are fully committed to upholding the highest standards of quality, efficiency and transparency as reflected in our Training and Learning Strategy. To this end, we have developed a Training Quality Assurance Framework based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015).
Our partners
A key strength of our approach to training is the integration of expertise. Across all processes relating to the needs analysis, design, development, delivery, and evaluation of our training, we consult a range of groups and panels of experts.
We cooperate closely with asylum and reception authorities of Member States whose experts participate in the development and delivery of our training.
Other key international, governmental and non-governmental stakeholders active in the field of asylum, migration and fundamental rights provide expertise where relevant.The Training Reference Group (composed of the European Commission, other EU Agencies, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other relevant actors) provides input to ensure that the material we develop is current and in line with good practice. We also foster an open dialogue with civil society stakeholders through the EUAA Consultative Forum.