One of the main EUAA processes to support Member States in improving the quality of their asylum systems is the EUAA quality matrix process.
The EUAA quality matrix process aims to comprehensively map Member State practices, to analyse Member State support needs and to provide solutions through the following activities:
- Thematic mapping. EU and associated countries respond to a questionnaire relating to a key element of asylum.
- Thematic meeting. The key findings from the thematic mapping are presented to the EU and associated countries.
- Thematic report. Following the thematic meeting, a thematic report is drafted. After consultation with the EU and associated countries the report is published and used internally.
- Practical tools. The EUAA develops practical tools based on the information collected in the particular phase of Quality Matrix process and on Member States' expertise.
The EUAA has produced numerous quality matrix reports covering all core aspects of the asylum procedure, reception and Dublin. This includes access to procedure, personal interview, evidence assessment, eligibility, exclusion, special procedures, appeals procedure, withdrawal of international protection, content of international protection, etc. Certain quality matrix reports on the core asylum aspects are now being updated.
Quality matrix reports are intended for internal use by the asylum administrations in EU and associated countries. They are therefore only available to the members of the Asylum Processes Network, accessible through the restricted area.
Over the years, quality matrix meetings were organised focusing on various topics, including content of protection, withdrawal of international protection, reception conditions, appeals procedure, Dublin procedure, special procedures, identification of persons with special needs, access to procedure, exclusion, quality and eligibility, quality and evidence assessment, quality and personal interview.