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Practical guide on the use of country of origin information

by case officers for the examination of asylum applications

This practical tool provides guidance to case officers on the practical use of country of origin information (COI) at different stages of the asylum procedure when preparing and conducting the personal interview and when carrying out the credibility assessment and the risk assessment of the appli


Practical recommendations on conducting the personal interview remotely

This document was developed in the context of the COVID-19 emergency situation. The aim is to provide brief guidance on remote personal interviews based on good practices from across the EU+ countries and existing guidance developed by the Agency.

Practical recommendations on conducting remote/online registration (lodging)

This document was developed in the context of the COVID-19 emergency situation. The document focuses on alternative solutions for registration (lodging) of an application for international protection.


Guidance on membership of a particular social group

This practical tool aims to support Member States in applying the concept of membership of particular social group (MPSG) as one of the 1951 Geneva Convention grounds of persecution in the examination process of applications for international protection.


Guidance on asylum procedure

EASO Guidance on asylum procedure: operational standards and indicators

This guidance aims to support Member States in the practical implementation of key provisions of the Asylum Procedures Directive to achieve fair and effective asylum procedures and to strengthen the CEAS at an operational level.


Quality Assurance Tool: Examining the application for international protection

EASO Quality Assurance Tool: Examining the application for international protection

This tool provide EU+ countries with a common framework for internal quality assessment and assurance of applications for international protection.


Quality Assurance Tool: Examining the application - Assessment Form: Personal Interview

This tool provide EU+ countries with a common framework for internal quality assessment and assurance of applications for international protection in the context of the substantive personal interview.

Quality Assurance Tool: Examining the application - Assessment Form: First-instance Decision

This tool provide EU+ countries with a common framework for internal quality assessment and assurance of applications for international protection in the context of the first instance decision.
