
Country Guidance: Iraq (June 2022)

Common analysis and guidance note

This country guidance document provides an in-depth analysis of the situation in Iraq, focussing on the key elements of qualification for international protection.

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Country Guidance: Afghanistan (April 2022)

Common analysis and guidance note

Please note that this country guidance document has been replaced by a more recent one.
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Guida pratica dell’EASO sulle domande reiterate

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.


Guide pratique sur les demandes ultérieures

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.


Poradnik praktyczny dotyczący kolejnych wniosków

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.


Πρακτικός οδηγός για τις μεταγενέστερες αιτήσεις

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.


Praxisleitfaden zu Folgeanträgen

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.


Guía práctica sobre solicitudes posteriores

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance to case officers on the examination process and the special procedural rules for assessing subsequent applications.
