Practical Guides and Tools Catalogue 2024 edition
in support of asylum processes and reception systems
This catalogue presents all of the practical guids and tools that the EUAA has developed to help increase the knowledge and technical skills of asylum practitioners working in the field of international protection.
Guidance on Reception
Operational standards and indicators
The standards and indicators elaborated in this guidance support Member States in the implementation of reception-related aspects of the CEAS, complementing EASO’s 2016 guidance.
Persons with Disabilities in Asylum and Reception Systems
A Comprehensive Overview
This report analyses the latest developments and systems currently in place to manage asylum applicants with disabilities. The information is based on publicly-available sources and submissions to two EUAA surveys.
Displaced Ukrainians with Disabilities Seeking Temporary Protection in Europe
Situational Update No 20
This situational update accompanies the analytical report on asylum applicants with disabilities and focuses on current practices and the latest developments related to displaced Ukrainians with disabilities.
Professionals working in reception centres in Europe: an overview of drug-related challenges and support needs
Joint Report by EMCDDA and EUAA
This report traces the needs and challenges faced by reception authorities in EU+ countries when working with applicants for IP who experience substance use related problems.
Surveys of Arriving Migrants from Ukraine - thematic fact sheet, June 2023
Life in the host country - registration and reception
This thematic factsheet provides information from the updated SAM - UKR survey on reception and registration for displaced persons from Ukraine, demographic profiles, employment status, access to accommodation, levels of satisfaction with key aspects of living in the host countries and most urgen
Environmental sustainability of reception facilities for asylum seekers
Situational Update No 18
Key findings are presented on the environmental sustainability of accommodation structures for asylum seekers.
Victims of Torture
Identification, support and examination of claims - Mapping report
Building on a survey on victims of torture in the EU+, the report touches on medico-legal reporting, national practices and key steps to support the authorities.