
Kontrolni popis za organiziranje transfera

The main objective of this tool is to identify the most important steps and activities that may take place when preparing and implementing the transfer of refugees within a resettlement programme.


Opas tulkkien välityksellä viestimiseen

This document intends to promote and ensure the quality of interpretation services for resettlement countries.


Note d’orientation sur la communication par l’intermédiaire des interprètes

This document intends to promote and ensure the quality of interpretation services for resettlement countries.


Smjernica za komunikaciju preko usmenih prevoditelja

This document intends to promote and ensure the quality of interpretation services for resettlement countries.


Nota esplicativa sulla comunicazione tramite interpreti

This document intends to promote and ensure the quality of interpretation services for resettlement countries.


Richtsnoer voor communicatie via tolken

This document intends to promote and ensure the quality of interpretation services for resettlement countries.


Veiledningsnotat – Kommunikasjon via tolk

This document intends to promote and ensure the quality of interpretation services for resettlement countries.


Nota de orientação sobre a comunicação através de intérpretes

This document intends to promote and ensure the quality of interpretation services for resettlement countries.
