
Practical Guides and Tools Catalogue 2024 edition

in support of asylum processes and reception systems

This catalogue presents all of the practical guids and tools that the EUAA has developed to help increase the knowledge and technical skills of asylum practitioners working in the field of international protection.


External evaluation of the EUAA’s practical tools and guidance

This report provides an evaluation of the awareness, use and usefulness of 11 practical guides and tools (PGT) of the EUAA


Modular Approach to Reception: Container site designs

EUAA practical tool on the design and management of modular reception centres

The publication aims to be a guide to relevant stakeholders (e.g., national, regional and local authorities, as well as civil society organisations) when designing and building new reception centres according to the agency’s standards and guidelines.


Practical recommendations on conducting the personal interview remotely

This document was developed in the context of the COVID-19 emergency situation. The aim is to provide brief guidance on remote personal interviews based on good practices from across the EU+ countries and existing guidance developed by the Agency.

EASO Практични препораки за спроведување на личното сослушување од далечина

Целта на ова упатство е да обезбеди практични препораки во врска со организирањето лични сослушувања од далечина кои се засноваат на добри практики ширум ЕУ+ земјите и постоечките насоки на EASO


EASO Rekomandime praktike për kryerjen e intervistës personale në distancë

Synimi i këtij udhëzuesi është të jepen rekomandime praktike lidhur me organizimin e intervistave personale në distancë bazuar në praktikat e mira të Shteteve të BE+ dhe në udhëzimet ekzistuese të EASO


Practical recommendations on conducting remote/online registration (lodging)

This document was developed in the context of the COVID-19 emergency situation. The document focuses on alternative solutions for registration (lodging) of an application for international protection.


EASO Практични препораки за спроведување на регистрација од далечина/ онлајн регистрација (поднесување)

This document was developed in the context of the COVID-19 emergency situation. The document focuses on alternative solutions for registration (lodging) of an application for international protection.
