
تقرير اللجوء لعام 2023: ملخص تنفيذي

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2022. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.


Як поводитися в ситуаціях, коли мій друг / подруга або брат / сестра почуваються сумними, злими або скоюють небезпечні вчинки?

A self-help tool for peer support

This pocket book targets children who notice a change in their friends or siblings behaviour due to psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides some basic tips on how to stay safe and ask for support.


Как поступать в ситуациях, когда мой друг, брат или сестра грустит, злится или совершает опасные поступки?

A self-help tool for peer support

This pocket book targets children who notice a change in their friends or siblings behaviour due to psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides some basic tips on how to stay safe and ask for support.


Comment gérer les situations dans lesquelles mon ami(e), mon frère ou ma soeur est triste, en colère ou fait des choses dangereuses?

A self-help tool for peer support

This pocket book targets children who notice a change in their friends or siblings behaviour due to psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides some basic tips on how to stay safe and ask for support.


Cómo manejar situaciones en las que mis amigos o hermanos están tristes, enfadados o hacen cosas peligrosas

A self-help tool for peer support

This pocket book targets children who notice a change in their friends or siblings behaviour due to psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides some basic tips on how to stay safe and ask for support.


How to handle situations when my friend or sibling is sad, angry or does dangerous things?

A self-help tool for peer support

This pocket book targets children who notice a change in their friends or siblings behaviour due to psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides some basic tips on how to stay safe and ask for support.


"كيف أتعامل مع المواقف التي يكون فيها صديقي أو أخي حزينًا أو غاضبًا أو يفعل أشياء خطيرة؟ "

A self-help tool for peer support

This pocket book targets children who notice a change in their friends or siblings behaviour due to psychological distress or accumulation of trauma. The tool provides some basic tips on how to stay safe and ask for support.


Identifying and supporting victims of human trafficking in the asylum procedure

Situational Update No 17

The situational update presents developments at the national and EU levels related to protecting asylum applicants who are victims of human trafficking.
