
Praktični vodič za pružanje informacija

Pristup postupku za dobijanje azila

This practical guide aims to support EU+ officials, as well as any person or organisation, involved in the field of information provision in the context of the asylum procedure. The guide outlines basic principles for information provision and communication techniques.


Udhëzues praktik për dhënien e informacionit

Qasja në procedurën e azilit

This practical guide aims to support EU+ officials, as well as any person or organisation, involved in the field of information provision in the context of the asylum procedure. The guide outlines basic principles for information provision and communication techniques.


Practical Guide on Information Provision in the Asylum Procedure

This practical guide aims to support EU+ officials, as well as any person or organisation, involved in the field of information provision in the context of the asylum procedure. The guide outlines basic principles for information provision and communication techniques.


Authorities Involved in Access to the Asylum Procedure

Who is Who in International Protection in the EU+, Issue No 3

The report maps the role of authorities which are involved in access to the asylum procedure, covering the making, lodging and registering of an application for international protection.


Practical Tool for Guardians – The asylum procedure

A tool to support guardians assigned to children in their daily tasks and responsibilities throughout the asylum procedure.


Practical tools for first-contact officials - pocket book

Access to the Asylum Procedure

Jointly developed with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), and in close collaboration with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and UNHCR, this toolkit is intended to support the identification of third-country nationals and stateless persons who may wish to ap


Practical tools for first-contact officials - leaflet on Frequently Asked Questions

Access to the Asylum Procedure

Jointly developed with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), and in close collaboration with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and UNHCR, this toolkit is intended to support the identification of third-country nationals and stateless persons who may wish to ap


Practical tools for first-contact officials - practical guide

Access to the Asylum Procedure

Jointly developed with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), and in close collaboration with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and UNHCR, this toolkit is intended to support the identification of third-country nationals and stateless persons who may wish to ap
