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Informe sobre el asilo 2023: Resumen ejecutivo

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2022. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.


Έκθεση για το άσυλο 2023: Σύνοψη

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2022. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.


Authorities and Stakeholders Involved in Resettlement and Humanitarian Admissions

Who is Who in International Protection in the EU+, Issue No 6

Accompanied by an interactive data visualisation, this report presents an overview of resettlement and humaniarian admission programmes and the authorities which are responsible for their governance.

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EUAA External Cooperation Strategy

The External Cooperation Strategy determines the overall direction, objectives and scope of EUAA actions in the external dimension along two pillars: Third-Country Support and Resettlement and Humanitarian Admission.


Практическо ръководство за планиране и изпълнение на мисии за подбор

This tool is intended as a brief guide to accompany resettlement officials when preparing and implementing a resettlement selection mission.


Ghid practic pentru planificarea și efectuarea interviurilor de relocare

This practical guide is intended as a brief guidance and checklist to accompany resettlement case officers in the preparation and implementation of selection interviews.


Praktični vodnik za načrtovanje in izvedbo razgovorov o preselitvi

This practical guide is intended as a brief guidance and checklist to accompany resettlement case officers in the preparation and implementation of selection interviews.


Praktisk veileder til planlegging og gjennomføring av intervjuer for gjenbosetting

This practical guide is intended as a brief guidance and checklist to accompany resettlement case officers in the preparation and implementation of selection interviews.
