Judicial analysis on Introduction to the Common European Asylum System
for courts and tribunals
This judicial analysis is an introduction to the CEAS that assists courts and tribunals in carrying out their role and responsibilities in its implementation.
Vispārīga informācija tiesām un tribunāliem par kopējo Eiropas patvēruma sistēmu - Tiesiskā analīze
for courts and tribunals
This judicial analysis is an introduction to the CEAS that assists courts and tribunals in carrying out their role and responsibilities in its implementation.
Judicial analysis on Exclusion - 1st edition
Articles 12 and 17 Qualification Directive (2011/95/EU)
This analysis is primarily intended for use by members of courts and tribunals of Member States concerned with hearing appeals or conducting reviews of decisions on applications for international protection.
Judicial analysis on Article 15(c) Qualification Directive
Directive 2011/95/EU
The judicial analysis of Article 15(c) QD (recast) is a helpful tool for the understanding of protection issues for courts and tribunals dealing with international protection cases.