Практическо ръководство относно регистрацията
Подаване на молби за международна закрила
This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.
Praxisleitfaden zur Registrierung
Stellung von Anträgen auf internationalen Schutz
This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.
Praktiline juhend registreerimise kohta
Rahvusvahelise kaitse taotluste esitamine
This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.
Käytännön opas rekisteröinnistä
Kansainvälistä suojelua koskevien hakemusten jättäminen
This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.
Praktični vodič o registraciji
Podnošenje zahtjeva za međunarodnu zaštitu
This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.
Gyakorlati útmutató a nyilvántartásba vételről
Nemzetközi védelem iránti kérelmek benyújtása
This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.
Guida pratica sulla registrazione
Presentazione di domande di protezione internazionale
This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.
praktinis registracijos vadovas
Tarptautinės apsaugos prašymų pateikimas
This practical tool presents a comprehensive approach for the lodging of applications for international protection. The tool is based on the relevant EU legal provisions and good practices gathered from Member States.