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EASO Практични препораки за спроведување на личното сослушување од далечина

Целта на ова упатство е да обезбеди практични препораки во врска со организирањето лични сослушувања од далечина кои се засноваат на добри практики ширум ЕУ+ земјите и постоечките насоки на EASO

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Practical recommendations on conducting the personal interview remotely

This document was developed in the context of the COVID-19 emergency situation. The aim is to provide brief guidance on remote personal interviews based on good practices from across the EU+ countries and existing guidance developed by the Agency.
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EASO Rekomandime praktike për kryerjen e intervistës personale në distancë

Synimi i këtij udhëzuesi është të jepen rekomandime praktike lidhur me organizimin e intervistave personale në distancë bazuar në praktikat e mira të Shteteve të BE+ dhe në udhëzimet ekzistuese të EASO

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Roadmap for Cooperation between EASO and Albania

The implementation of EASO-Albania Roadmap for Cooperation started in December 2020 and will be running for the next 24 months (until November 2022).

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External evaluation of the implementation of Operating Plan 2019 (OP 2019) of EASO intervention in Cyprus - summary report

This summary report provides an assessment of the support provided by the Agency in the context of the Cyprus OP 2019.

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External evaluation of EASO operational interventions in 2019 - Horizontal evaluation

This report provides an assessment of the support provided by the Agency in the context of the OPs 2019.

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External evaluation of the implementation of Operating Plan 2019 (OP 2019) of EASO intervention in Greece - summary report

This summary report provides an assessment of the support provided by the Agency in the context of the Greece OP 2019.

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External evaluation of the implementation of Operating Plan 2019 (OP 2019) of EASO intervention in Italy - summary report

This summary report provides an assessment of the support provided by the Agency in the context of the Italy OP 2019.

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