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Ukraine Crisis: Data and Analysis


The Executive Director of the European Agency for Asylum appointed the Ukraine Emergency Response Board (UERB), in order to coordinate the Agency’s efforts to support Member States with Ukraine-related asylum and reception needs, as well as assist in their implementation of the EU Temporary Protection Directive

Situational Report:

Situational Updates: 

The EUAA Situational Update series presents the latest emergency measures which have been adopted by EU+ countries to address the influx of displaced persons from Ukraine. The updates are published regularly. To see the full overview of the latest national developments, consult the Temporary protection section of the Who is Who in International Protection platform.

18 January 2024

Voices in Europe: Experiences, hopes, and aspirations of forcibly displaced persons from Ukraine

Voices in Europe’ is a joint report from the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), with a valuable contribution from Gradus Research Company.


Read the Executive Summary [EN] [UA]

Surveys of Arriving Migrants from Ukraine: Thematic Factsheet - Issue 2, October 2023