Fees or other charges for applications for international protection in EU+ countries
Fees or other charges for applications for international protection in EU+ countries, Situational Update, Issue No 6
Through information collected through the IDS Advisoryy Group, this bulletin explores whether fees or other costs are charged when an applicant submits an application for international protection.
Country Guidance: Nigeria (October 2021)
This country guidance document provides an in-depth analysis of the situation in Nigeria, focussing on the key elements of qualification for international protection.
The concept of safe third countries applied in EU+ countries
The concept of safe third countries applied in EU+ countries, Situational Update, Issue No 5
The bulletin describes how the safe third country concept is applied in EU+ countries and presents the lists of safe countries which have been adopted in legislation.
Practical guide on the welfare of staff - part III
Monitoring and evaluation
This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.
Practical guide on the welfare of staff - part II
Staff welfare toolbox
This guide is intended to assist managers and staff working in the field of asylum and reception with methods, tools and a roadmap to maintain staff wellbeing and ensure a safe and healthy working environment for asylum professionals working with applicants for international protection.
The digitalisation of asylum processes
The digitalisation of asylum processes, Fact Sheet No EASO/IAS/2021/3
Resettlement and humanitarian admissions
Resettlement and humanitarian admissions, Fact Sheet No EASO/IAS/2021/2
The fact sheet presents information on resettlement and humanitarian admissions as extracted from the EASO Asylum Report 2021.