COI Report: Iraq - Key socio-economic indicators for Baghdad, Basra and Erbil (September 2020)
This report provides an analysis of the key socio-economic indicators (employment, food security, housing and living conditions, etc.) for Baghdad, Basra and Erbil.
Border Procedures for Asylum Applications in EU+ Countries
Border Procedures for Asylum Applications in EU+ Countries
This report outlines current legislation and the different practices used in EU+ countries when applying border procedures to process asylum applications more efficiently.
COI Report Afghanistan - Security Situation (September 2020)
This report on the security situation provides details on conflict dynamics, territorial control/influence, and (armed) actors at general and regional level.
Judicial analysis on Vulnerability
in the context of applications for international protection
The analysis is intended primarily as a useful point of reference for members of courts and tribunals of EU+ countries concerned with hearing appeals or conducting reviews of decisions on applications for international protection involving vulnerable applicants.
Single Programming Document 2020-2022, WP 2020 - rev. 4 (14 August 2020)
EASO Single Programming Document: Multi-annual Programming 2020-2022, Work Programme 2020, Revision 4
COI Report: Venezuela - Country focus (August 2020)
This report provides a description of the State and of the socio-political landscape of the country.
COI Report: Afghanistan - Afghanistan, Anti-Government Elements (AGEs) (August 2020)
This report provides a description of anti-government elements (AGEs) in Afghanistan.
COI Report: Afghanistan - State Structure and Security Forces (August 2020)
This report provides a description of the government structure and of the security forces present in Afghanistan.