
EASO Annual General Report 2018

EASO Annual General Report 2018


Country of Origin Information (COI) Report Methodology (June 2019)

Description of the methodology to be used for drafting the COI reports, following the phases of COI production and the COI principles.


External Cooperation Strategy

The Strategy defines the general framework within which the Agency develops its work related to the external dimension of the CEAS. The Strategy aims at providing strategic direction for the Agencys external actions, based on the lessons learnt and taking into account the new EUAA mandate.


Roadmap for Cooperation between EASO and DGMM, Turkey

Roadmap for Cooperation EASO Directorate General for Migration Management (DGMM), Turkey: The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and the Turkish Directorate General for Migration Management (DGMM) have been working together on matters related to asylum since 2014.


Report on asylum procedures for children

The report aims to bring child-related issues in asylum procedures into the mainstream.


External Evaluation of the 2018 Operating Plan for Greece - summary report

This summary report provides an assessment of the support provided by the Agency in the context of the Greece OP 2018


External Evaluation of the 2018 Operating Plan for Italy - summary report

This summary report provides an assessment of the support provided by the Agency in the context of the Italy OP 2018


External Evaluation of the 2014-2018 Special Support Plan for Cyprus - summary report

This summary report provides an assessment of the support provided by the Agency in the context of the Cyprus SSP 2014-2018
