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Summary table: 6. Provision of information and counselling

Provision of information
and counselling

Operational standards and indicators on reception conditions
Standard Indicators
30. Ensure the applicant receives and understands phase-relevant information on benefits and obligations relating to reception conditions.

30.1. Written information is provided in a language that the applicant understands or is reasonably supposed to understand.

30.2. Where necessary and appropriate the information is provided also orally in a language the applicant understands.
30.3. Information covers all aspects of reception conditions, including the benefits and obligations under the RCD.
30.4. Information is provided in a timely manner (maximum 15 days) after lodging an application for international protection application.
30.5. Information is provided according to the special needs and individual circumstances of applicants.
31. Ensure provision of information on organisations or groups of persons that provide specific legal assistance and organisations that might be able to help or inform applicants concerning the available reception conditions, including health care. 31.1. Information on the available legal assistance and how to access it is provided to applicants.
31.2. Information provided to applicants includes the contact details of organisations or groups of persons able to inform applicants concerning available reception conditions, including health care, and how to access them.
31.3. Written information is provided in a language that the applicant understands or is reasonably supposed to understand.
31.4. Where necessary and appropriate the information is also provided orally in a language the applicant understands.
31.5. Information should be provided in a timely manner (maximum 15 days) after lodging an application for international protection.
31.6. Information is provided according to the special needs and personal circumstances of applicants.

32. Ensure adequate access of legal advisers or counsellors, persons representing the UNHCR, Red Cross, intergovernmental and relevant nongovernmental organisations recognised by the Member State concerned in order to assist the applicants. 


32.1. The access of the actors above is only limited on grounds relating to the security of the premises and of the applicants, provided that it is not thereby severely restricted or rendered impossible.
32.2. The actors listed above are able to meet and speak with the applicants in conditions ensuring adequate privacy. 

 33. Ensure access to social counselling for applicants of international protection. 

33.1. Social counselling is available to applicants inside or outside the housing facility. 
33.2. Applicants can access social counselling on a regular basis and as per their personal needs. 

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