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Summary table: 8. Staff training

Staff training 

Operational standards and indicators on reception conditions
Standard Indicator(s)
37. Ensure that reception officers are sufficiently qualified.

37.1. Each reception officer has clear terms of reference (job description).

37.2. Each reception officer is qualified in accordance with national law and regulations concerning his/her particular terms of reference (job description).

38. Ensure reception officers are provided with the necessary and appropriate
38.1. Each reception officer has a thorough and timely introduction into his/her role, including on the applicable code of conduct.
38.2. A clear training syllabus including the training requirements for each functional group exists.
38.3. Training is provided in a regular manner and depending on the need.
38.4. A minimum of training provided includes gender and age-specific concerns and the situation of applicants with special needs, in particular with regard to child protection and safeguarding standards for children, including unaccompanied
children, as well as the identification of victims of torture and violence.
39. Promote the awareness of other stakeholders who are in regular contact with applicants. 39.1. Regular awareness-raising sessions and/or alternative arrangements are in place for persons who are not considered ‘reception officers’, but are nevertheless in contact with applicants due to their profession/function

40. Promote process oriented support for reception officers.

40.1. Different measures are available to help deal with difficult situations encountered during the reception work.


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