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Υπόδειγμα ετήσιας επισκόπησης των υποβληθεισών υποθέσεων επανεγκατάστασης

The main objective of this tool is to provide an overview of those aspects that may be important to track throughout the processing of resettlement cases.


Template for an annual overview of submitted resettlement cases

The main objective of this tool is to provide an overview of those aspects that may be important to track throughout the processing of resettlement cases.


Modelo para elaborar un resumen anual de los casos de reasentamiento presentados

The main objective of this tool is to provide an overview of those aspects that may be important to track throughout the processing of resettlement cases.


Lomake haettujen uudelleensijoittamishakemusten vuosittaiseen yleiskatsauksee

The main objective of this tool is to provide an overview of those aspects that may be important to track throughout the processing of resettlement cases.


Modèle pour une vue d’ensemble annuelle des dossiers de réinstallation soumis

The main objective of this tool is to provide an overview of those aspects that may be important to track throughout the processing of resettlement cases.


Predložak godišnjeg pregleda podnesenih predmeta preseljenja

The main objective of this tool is to provide an overview of those aspects that may be important to track throughout the processing of resettlement cases.


Listă de verificare pentru organizarea sesiunilor de orientare înainte de plecare și orientare culturală prin conexiune video

This checklist can be used to prepare and conduct pre-departure (PDO) and cultural orientation (CO) sessions via video conference for refugees in the resettlement process.


Nota esplicativa sulla comunicazione tramite interpreti

This document intends to promote and ensure the quality of interpretation services for resettlement countries.
