
Analysis of Measures to Provide Protection to Displaced Persons from Ukraine: Situational Report

The report takes stock of the first 100 days of the war in Ukraine and how EU+ countries responded to the protection needs of displaced persons during the period 24 February to 3 June 2022.


Έκθεση για το άσυλο 2022: Σύνοψη

A summary in Greek of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2021. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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2022 m. prieglobsčio ataskaita: Santrauka

A summary in Lithuanian of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2021. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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Relazione sull'asilo 2022 - sintesi

A summary in Italian of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2021. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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2022. évi menekültügyi jelentés: Vezetői összefoglaló

A summary in Hungarian of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2021. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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Izvješće o azilu za 2022.: Informativni sažetak

A summary in Croatian of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2021. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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Tuarascáil Tearmainn 2022L Achoimre Feidhmiúcháin

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2021. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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Rapport sur la situation de l’asile 2022 : Résumé

A summary in French of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2021. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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